2023 Into 2024

Description of this Post

January 2, 2024

2023 Into 2024

Description of this Post

January 2, 2024

Hi all, it is already 2024 🥳

There has been many changes since I started this blog. In this section I want to give a short summary of what has happen in 2023.

For previous yearly summaries:

Highlights of 2023

  • I have joined University of Amsterdam as a master student in Artificial Intelligence
  • I concluded my internship in Belgium as a Computer Vision Engineer.
  • I have attended a couple of seminars related to AI

What I am looking forward?

I have selected the following elective courses for my electives:

  • Deep Learning 2
  • Computer Vision 2
  • Data Mining Techniques

And after summer I will be choising more electives for summer and autum period. I am exited for that and in the meantime I am planning to do an internship

I am interested in Multimodal Models and Generative AI. If you see this post and want to reach out. Then hit me up to my email address: danilotpnta@gmail.com